The Library Director shall serve as the spokesperson for the Library.  Only the Library Director is authorized to make comments or statements to the press (electronic, print, or other) regarding Library issues.  On occasion, Library staff may speak directly to members of the media for a story on their specific area provided they first notify the Library Director.  All press releases, notices, or letters to the editor must be approved by the Library Director prior to submission.


In the event of critical breaking news at the Library, no one is authorized to speak to the media except the Library Director.  The Library Director will inform the Mayor of the issues before releasing a statement to the media. In times of crisis, it is imperative that all information comes from one source (the Library Director).  The news media will be looking for “reaction” as well as eyewitness accounts of the incident.  Library staff should be aware that any comment made, even to another staff member, could be picked up as a direct quote in a news report or article, and staff should defer any request for comments to the Library Director.


Board of Library Trustees Approved 07/25/2023