Library of Things
The Library currently offers a variety of materials outside of the traditional books and movies, and we are working on adding more! These items may be checked out at the West Springfield Public Library with a valid CW/MARS library card for a three (3) week loan period, with one automatic renewal.
Board Games for all ages
Outdoor Games for all ages
Theme Kits and Discovery Kits for kids
Tonie and Yoto Boxes
Memory Kits
Tonibox and Yotobox Audio Players
Musical Instruments
- Kalimba
- Accordion
- Mandolin
- Violin
- Ukuleles
- Xylophones
- Otamatones
- Drum Pads
- Piano Mats
- Tongue Drums
- Bongo Drums
- Karaoke Microphone
- Acoustic Guitars
- Electric Guitars
- Electronic Keyboards
- plus many more